Our offices are open and we are ready to assist you either in person or remotely.


Whether You Have A Little Time Or A Lot Of Time.

Image of volunteers meeting

If you want to stay active and engaged, advocate, or facilitate, there is probably an opportunity that fits! From office tasks to leading a discussion, we welcome volunteers of all skill levels and interests. Bilingual volunteers are especially needed, although the ability to speak multiple languages is not required.

Eligibility to Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

  • The Board of Directors
    • Provide governance, guidance, and strategy to lead Elder Options in serving seniors, caregivers, and persons living with disabilities.
  • Advisory Council
    • Advocate for seniors in your community and advise on Elder Options plans.
  • SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Counselors
    • Provide free unbiased health insurance counseling to seniors and empower seniors to prevent Medicare fraud.
  • Healthy Aging Volunteers
    • Train to teach or support workshops such as Tai Chi, Diabetes Empowerment Education Program, or A Matter of Balance in your community to help older adults stay healthy longer.
  • Caregiver Training and Support Volunteers
    • To provide support for caregivers, such as helping with Savvy Caregiver Training classes, or lead an Elder Options sponsored support group, and more.
  • Hope Heroes
    • To help older residents when a storm is approaching and after it has passed. Sing up at helpcreatehome.com
Contact the Elder Helpline at 1-800-262-2243

Sign Up Form

Hurricane Season is Here – Volunteers Needed
Hurricane season runs from June 1 until November 30. The Department of Elder Affairs is recruiting volunteers to be part of the Hope Heroes Program to be ready to support seniors before and after a hurricane strikes. What does disaster assistance look like as a Hope Hero?
  • Loading and unloading sandbags before a storm
  • Working in special needs shelters to provide assistance to seniors
  • Helping older residents put shutters on their home
  • Distributing food and materials to seniors before and after a storm
  • Assisting with minor yard debris clean up
Sign up today at helpcreatehope.com so you can be ready to help as soon as the need arises!

This self-assessment connects you to the TCARE (Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral) Program. This is a one-on-one caregiver support program that may require you to engage with an assigned TCARE Coach. If you wish to participate in the program, continue to the self-assessment. Please be advised that a TCARE Coach may be in contact with you via phone or email.

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